
O I'm hoping and praying that I can try. I didn't have any major complications with any one of my pregnancies. I'm now the mother of 3 and my 4th baby is due January 26th. My first son was induced and he was head up instead of down. I was in labor for about 8 hours. My second born I wanted to try but didn't have any support. My third born they told me I couldn't try but I should've fought harder. I've 🐝 doing a lot of research on vbacs and I really want to try. Lord willing this will be our last child and I would love to experience giving birth the natural way God intended. I'm scared but I've asked my doctor's and they said they will have to ask the head doctor but they advise against it. I really want to try.. Has anyone out there been successful in trying a vba3c??!!?😮😮😮