so last year in july i went to my OBGYN and got a postive urine test back. an hour later, i went to get blood work done and that came back negative. i have always had irregular periods due to
PCOS so i was very shocked when the doctor came back in saying all my symptoms were from that second little pink line. i went home and the NEXT day i started my period. at this point im thinking it was a miscarriage due to the heaviness of the blood flow i was having. soaked an entire pad in under two hours (never happened before). After the time of having what i thought was a normal period, i went onto not having one at all until october. and then suddenly...I was having normal periods (for me), up to every 37 days. now this past march...3 months ago...i had sex one morning and woke up bleeding a few hours later. had my normal four days and stopped. i have yet to have another period again. i have taken three at home test and all negatives! im starting to have serious headaches, waves of nausea, appetite is going up and down, and mood swings like crazy. i also have been under a lot of stress so this could be another reason why, but i am so confused as to what my body is going through. Could i be pregnant, or just super stressed out about everything, or is PCOS taking over. My doctor is one to believe that the urine test are usually the correct answers, it seems, so they automatically prescribe medicine to start a period. I dont know what to do. HELP!