Feeling really ugly, and fat

Figgy • Figgy 🥰🌻
So, all week I have been trying to get some from the bf. If course every night it's, "Oh, I'm tired from work." Well, yesterday he only worked 2 hours, and was home the rest if the day. He even took a 3 hour nap, and doesn't have work today. So, I really thought I would be getting some. I find out that while I was in shower shaving every square inch if my body, getting ready for sex already...he woke up from his nap. Apparently horny, and instead of coming into the shower with his horny ass gf who has been trying to fuck him all week, NO he jerks off yet again. Just like he has every fucking day this week. You know I understand during the week since he was tired from work, not that I was any less tired from work and watching our 2 year old. But, yesterday after not working AND taking a 3 hour nap...there is no excuse to me. So I spent last night over thinking everything and crying on and off. I confronted him about it before he fell asleep and ended with, "Thanks for making me feel like shit about myself.. that really doesn't help the tiny bit of confidence I had." To which he rolls over n goes to bed. This mornin he has yet again chose porn, even after last night's events and waking me up way too fucking early to ask a stupid ass question. Anywho I'm just rambling now. I had to share thus with some complete strangers bc I'm pissed off and hurt all at the same time. And I don't need any biased responses like fam and friends would give me. Thanks for listening to my rambles I'll stfu now.