Painful gas-like symptoms after D&C?

Has anyone else had a D&C and then after experience painful has-like symptoms? I've noticed it's happened a few times since my D&C last Friday and it almost knocks the wind out of me it's so painful. It doesn't last for more than 5 seconds. Sometimes if I sit wrong, too, I'll have a similar pressure but again, it doesn't last longer than a few seconds. 
I've noticed at times that it sometimes occurs right before I need to head to the bathroom. When I was pregnant I suffered from awful constipation (sorry) and am wondering if this is just a side effect of that plus everything "moving back" while my uterus shrinks back to a normal, not pregnant, size or what.
I haven't been overly concerned. I still haven't entirely stopped bleeding from the procedure last week, bright red blood, but only enough when I wipe. I'm just so ready for the physical healing to be over so I can focus on getting better.
Thanks in advance for anyone who comments.