Do you get mad if other women talk to your man? (Not flirting)

October Momma • 22 year old happily married mother of boy girl twins, Emma and Alden, born 10/11/17😊
I keep seeing thing about women getting mad that other women talk to their SO's both when they are around and when they are not. I personally don't understand why that's so irritating. My husband talks to the women he works with at the plant he works at, he will talk to his friends moms, his dad's family friends daughters who are his age, etc. I don't understand the issue. I've been there and they've not talked to me, not to be rude they just didn't know what to say, and I've been there when they have. We have a rule about not texting with the opposite sex or hanging out with them 1 on 1 but if someone approaches us at the store and asks a question or talks to us we try to be friendly. I've even had women openly try to flirt with him in front of me or when they didn't see I was with him and I'll joke about it after we leave. He NEVER picks up on it and I think it's hilarious. I know he is mine. I know he is loyal. It doesn't matter what anyone tries, I know he would never cheat. So I'm genuinely curious why women get so upset about other women talking to their men. Do you get upset when another woman is talking to your man?

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