please tell me I'm not irrational for being mad

Ok so my husband has this habit of sleeping like 16 hours a day on the weekends he doesn't have work. We have two kids under two and he doesn't understand why this is ridiculous. Yesterday he got home from work an hour late because he went to the mall to "look around"? He came home at 4pm and was in bed by 430pm. He slept until 830pm then went  back to bed at 11pm when I finally got both the kids to sleep and went to bed myself. So 530am rolls around and our almost 2 year old wakes up. I asked my husband to get up with him since I have a terrible headache from the lack of sleep I've been getting the last few weeks because our 9 month old is teething. His idea of getting up is bringing an iPad into our bedroom, turning on Mickey Mouse for our oldest (by doing that also waking up the baby) and going back to sleep. I told him I didn't want the baby watching tv and asked him to just get up since at this point he's had over 12 hours of sleep and he refused. So it's now 9am. I've been up with a teething baby and fussy toddler since 6am with a pounding headache and I'm severely sleep deprived and I can hear him snoring from our bedroom😐 I went in there to grab my phone and he yelled at me for being dramatic and went back to sleep. Am I being overly dramatic? I really don't think I am. It's not like he works an overly demanding job. It's a not very busy office 5 days a week, 9-5. Opinions?  Just to add we've been to the doctor and he's had all his levels checked and they came back normal. (Thyroid, T, etc.). He also shows no other signs of depression or being unhappy in our marriage he's just lazy. He has all the time in the world for friends and never says he's tired when they want to do something but whenever he's home he "feels like crap" or is "so tired". Both our kids were planned too. He's 30, im 25. I'm at my breaking point and don't know what to do. We moved out of state for his job recently so I have no family or friends within 3000 miles.