Ovulation Pain?

Rebecca • Becca🌹
So i am taking clomid 50mg...this is my second round. Last month i didnt have any pain until AFTER ovulation period. Most women ovulate 7-9 days after last clomid pill and i was having a lot of ovary pain/pain during sex right before my period came. And my doctor specifically told me which five days i am suppose to "babydance." and he also proscribed medroxyprogesterone(reglulates periods and ovulation) and i am currently on. Day #4 of babydancing. Last night when we did it...it hurt SO MUCH! Its like my ovaries were swollen to the size of a balloon! And he just kept poking to the point where i almost cried. Its like i was so sensitive yesterday. And today i have well..not exactly cramps...its more like a soreness Or dull pain right inside of my left hip bone. Does this mean i am ovulating? Or is it normal to have this anytime of your cylce while using clomid? Anybody have a similar experience with clomid?