blow job + ER visit

My guy and me started to get hot and heavy..... fast forward to me giving him a blow job. I was going at him hard and at one point I was sucking him hard and kind of jerking him.... he was liking it A Lot and egging me on. So at one point I felt a pop in my mouth. I look at his penis and he's bleeding heavily. Like REALLY bad. And he gets up from the couch and needs me to open door that leads to the bathroom. He is standing over the toilet and I literally think he is hemorrhaging. The bleeding stops and he gets in to the shower to wash up a little. Apparently the little skin right under the head ripped. And I need to clean the blood so I clean the blood on the floor and scrubbed it up. It was a lot and then I took him to the hospital and that was the time a blow job sent us to the hospital. He is fine and needs like a week and a half for recovery but it was so crazy. And no I did not use teeth