needs help/suggestions

So far, over the last 16 months we have been pregnant twice and lost both early on. My hystosonogram was normal, HSG was normal, bloodwork all normal except my DEHA-S. It was 490 on CD3 and CD6 was up to 568. Highest it should be is mid 300's. Which means my body is producing too much testosterone. So! My OB is transferring my care to the only RE IN Montana. I know she's great because my sis in law had to do <a href="">IVF</a>. They're not suggesting <a href="">IVF</a> is appropriate at the time but I do have to see the RE as this is part of her expertise. 
Has anyone else has high DEHA-S? If it ended up by being a tumor.... what did your doc do to lower it so you could get pregnant and carry naturally. Im 28 and I'm scared we might be in the path of <a href="">IVF</a>. 
Thanks in advance and baby dust to all❤️