period symptoms but no period

Hello everybody, my period has been on time about 95% of the time in the past. Only other times it's been late is when I'm really stressed. This time it's different, I was supposed to start 2 days ago, and I was very fatigued and was experiencing mild cramping , which is normal for me right before I start my period (maybe more fatigued than normal). Yesterday, I had extreme cramps and lower back pain much like my period right when it starts so I wore a tampon and took it out with a small amount of blood. I did another one and there was more blood on it after an hour or two but not nearly as much as usual. I still feel mild cramps as we speak but then again I have taken 1000 mg of acetemetaphin to die down the pain. (My first day is usually unbearable, and it was going to be if I didn't start painkillers). I have been kind of stressed lately by starting a new job, and being late on rent. I mean, I know I'm going to be okay ...but not sure what's going on. Could I be pregnant, or is my body just being different this time?