I didn't plan for a c section, but he is perfect. Long story.

I read these a lot while pregnant. Just like everyone else. I was due on June 9th. 
My whole pregnancy went fairly well. I did have a diabetes scare but was cleared from that. Had to take iron pills. But I've been anemic most of my life. No biggie. 
Unfortunately my stepdad got diagnosed with stage 3 throat cancer about a month and half  before I was due.  I am very very close to my mom and wanted her here for the birth but didn't think it would be possible because my stepdad needed her. And I definetly understood. 
Well I work 12 hour shifts and worked through my entire pregnancy, only calling out sick twice during the whole ten months.    I did call out the last day befor my due date hoping the baby would come anytime. I was due on a Friday and walked a ton that day and the next two days. Also made my fiancé have sex with me. He wasn't that in to it lol. It was awkward with me being so big. 
And nothing. That booger didn't want to come out! 
I got my membranes swept two days before my due date. I did lose my mucus plug. But still no contractions. 
So at 3 days overdue I started to have some contractions at night but they were mild and hours between. 
The next morning I woke up and they were a lot closer together maybe ten minutes apart, I had a doctors appointment that day and would be scheduled to be induced that Friday at 41 weeks. I was dilated to a 2 at my 39 week appt. My fiancé went to work and I hung out not knowing if these were really contractions or not. 
About two hours later they were coming every 2-3 minutes lasting only 20-30 seconds. So I asked me fiancé to come home and take my to my appointment because I probably shouldn't drive. I went to my appointment and told them I was having contractions, they immediately told me to go to the hospital. Once I got there the nurse checked me and said I was only dilated to a 1 or 2 that was at 11am. Contractions started at 830 really intense. She must of had bigger fingers than my doctor. So they were going to keep me monitored but not admit me until I progressed. And I couldn't get any pain meds until then either. 
I called my mom and told her what was going on and she hopped in the car and headed here. She lives in New Jersey I live in North Carolina. I started to dilate quickly and was a 5 when mom got here at 5pm. I finally got my epidural. It was dreamy. I could feel them but not too bad. 
Then at 9pm my water broke. The doctor came and checked and the fluid was green. The baby had pooped. :/. And hour later they checked me and I was a 7. But the doctor was pulling out huge blood clots and lots of blood. My placenta was separating from my uterus. And the babies heart rate kept dropping tremendously. So they rushed me into c section. Scariest time of my life. His cord was wrapped around his neck FOUR times!! They said my cord was super long. 
My baby was born at 10:59 pm weighing 9 lbs and 20.5 inches long. Pretty big for how small I am. I'm only 5 foot 2 and only gained 35 lbs. We had to stay in the hospital for 4 days. He is the absolute love of my life. Recovering from the c section has been sooo awful. The first few days I felt so out of it. Had headaches and nausea. I had to go to the er because they thought my bp was high. Then a week later my incision site got infected. I don't know what I would do without my mother. She has been a life saver. 
He has been breastfeeding good and I've already lost 20 lbs. Feeling better everyday.