Natural delivery at 36 weeks

Nora Joy was born 6/24/17 at 9:24AM at exactly 36 weeks gestation. I wasn't due til July 22, but developed gestational hypertension and so was going to be induced at 37 weeks regardless but she decided to come on her own! 
This was my first baby and from my water breaking at 7:00 AM, the whole thing lasted 2.5 hours. I don't think the labor nurses were taking my pain level seriously. When I got to the hospital my waters had completely gone and I was 5 cm dilated. They were taking they're time with the IV and telling me to breathe/relax. 
About 30 min later though, I went to the toilet. Lots of blood came - the nurse asked me if I felt rectal pressure and I said "yes, tons!" She made me hop off that toilet and back in bed and when she checked I was fully dilated! She said "I have bad news, there's no time for any pain relief."
So, I'm laying there ready to push in immense pain and every muscle in my body is telling me to push... but I'm not allowed to til the doctor gets in. Had to wait like that for 15-20 long min. When the doctor arrived, I pushed through the first contraction, the second contraction her head crowned and I screamed so loud I think the whole hospital heard me, collected myself -let the panic subside - and by the third contraction she arrived!! 
She's here and she's wonderful and as a woman who spent the whole pregnancy worried about a scenario like that, and having to give natural birth, I can tell you right now ladies that you can do it. It's a mind over matter situation and the reward is greater than anything you can imagine.