Clomid first round

Started Clomid for the first time this cycle.
Took Clomid 50mg each day:
CD7 - Tuesday 6/20 evening at 8:30
CD8 - Wednesday 6/21 evening at 8:30
CD9 - Thursday 6/22 evening at 8:30
CD10 - Friday 6/23 evening at 8:30
CD11 - Saturday 6/24 evening at 8:30pm
CD12 - Sunday 6/25 - nothing (terrible headache)
CD13 - Monday 6/26 - vaginal ultrasound and blood work - I have one developed follicle 24.5mm - yippee! Time to give myself an injection shot tonight and BD tonight! Here's to hoping it sticks and we conceive!
CD14 - Tuesday 6/27 - optional BD
CD15 - Wednesday 6/28 - BD should ovulate
CD16 - Thursday 6/29 - BD and start progestrogone suppliment (2x per day)
CD17-CD31 - Progesterone supplement (2x per day)
CD31 - Friday 7/14 take a pregnancy test
Wish us baby dust over the next two weeks!!!