Am I being abused?

So. I've been having some issues deciding if I really am abused or not. Hear me out.

I've been suspecting my mom mentally abuses me for awhile. Some things she does is..

Threaten to choke me to death/beat me to death.

Call me names like "sloth", "devil spawn", "useless brat", etc.

Scream at me for just being sick with something.

Speaking of being sick with something she's refused to take me to a doctor for sickness a few times. Even if I was suffering.

She forces me into situations that make me incredibly anxious, saying I "need to stop being such a goddamn pussy".

And she won't take me to get checked for mental disorders that hinder my basic ability to function. Says she doesn't need to cause I "just don't have any".

So that's the things she does. My boyfriend, who was abused by his whole family says I am being abused but my cousin who I'm close to says I'm not abused and what she does is just cause she's mad. (Though she proceeded to talk about how I'm not molested or beat by my parents so I'm not abused, so I think she's just invalidating mental abuse tbh)

And I'm confused on who to believe. Can anyone give me their thoughts?

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