I can't handle it

My friend has this issue where if anything goes on in her life she calls me and makes a huge deal out of nothing. Her mom will say something to her, she will overreact and like take every word that comes out of anyone's mouth so literal and take offence to everything and it's so painful to listen to her talk about the stuff. I can't go to her about anything because there is always something she can relate to my situation and then the conversation gets turned onto her problems and mine are ignored. 99% of problems she's experiencing in life are self inflicted and she acts like the world is out to get her. I can't get rid of her as she's also family... I just don't know what to do. She told me she had cervical cancer because she had an abnormal pap and it turned out to be something sexually transmitted 🤦🏻‍♀️ . She had me sad for no reason at all.