
Hey guys, So, I need help lol I have had light spotting (thanks to birth control) for a few weeks plus my period. I have been using tampons, but I just now stopped and started using just pads because of the fear of TSS. I dont have a high fever, im not vomiting, amd I dont have that rash thing, but I do have cramps that are a little worse than usual and (I dont know how much sense this is going to make) My girly parts have been almost sore (?) right around my clit. I have also have been feeling just all around ill lately, I get a little light headed when I stand, I have minor headaches every once in a while. I did have back pain but I took midol and it cleared up pretty quick. I had left a tampon in for probably somehwere over 10 hours, I forgot to take them out a couple times. Its kinda worrying me. I havent had sex at all lately, so its not that. If there needs to be any clarification, please comment and I will reply. Please please please help me out here. Im super worried and I cant afford to call a doctor right now unless it's serious. Thank you guys so so much