Women who say am I the only one not pregnant?

Grace • Expecting our rainbow🌈 Thomas John Clyde Dempsey 💙💚 Aug 13,2019 👣
Does it make anyone else mad when you see someone post on social media, or hear them saying "I'm the only one not pregnant, last one standing."" Etc. I see those posts a few times a month & it kills me! Like no, you're not the only one not pregnant, there are plenty of us who would LOVE to just see a BFP on our tests! We calculate, track, & everything, & sometimes. We just don't get the chance, & mean while, everyone who is on drugs, or unfit to parent, get pregnant on accident! Not all accidental pregnancies are by unfit parents, that's not what I'm saying, but you know there are some who want it & struggle, & you say I'm the only one not pregnant!