Step mom advice!!

Cheyenne • 🌻🌼💛 20 • Taken & In Love ❤ • Twins On the Way!! • Step Mom To Maddix • Mommy To An Angel • 💛🌼🌻

My boyfriend and I recently finding out that we are having twins haven't really told our families yet. The other day I brought my step daughter home to meet her mother.. her mother and I grew up together, but we weren't really the nicest to one another..

She started to tell me to never have kids, that her daughter is enough for my boyfriend and I. Boy did that frost my cookies..

Not only that but my boyfriend and I took her to the park over the weekend and she kept calling me mommy.. don't get me wrong, it made me smile.. but I have no idea what to do about it.

Can any step mommy's help me with my situation? I really wish my step daughters mother and I didn't have such s bad relationship..