
Beth • 21/03/2018. 11:36am. 7lb 9oz GEORGE ELLIOTT FISHWICK 🥰 expecting a baby girl 💖due 09.03.2020 xo
I track my period within the app and it normally come on the dot and to the day that it mentions. My periods normally last around 4-5 days and is normally quiet thick and heavy for around about 3 days due to having Von willebrands disease. But this time round it was surprisingly early by a day and lasted a little short of 2 days but the flow was normal? It was thinner than usual but that's about it. A few days After my period had completely stopped I noticed brown in my underwear and thought to myself it must be old blood and thought nothing of it until I sat down and realised I was still having pregnancy symptoms even though my period had stopped a few days ago and normally my PMS stops on the first day of my period. But this time it's not the case. If you are wondering yes I took a pregnancy test on the 23rd June 2017 and it was a VVVVVVVFL ON CLEARBLUE, does anyone have the same experience or know anything about this that can point me in the right direction. Your help will be appreciated xo 😘