33 weeks and got sent to L&D


So I am 33 weeks today, I was at work and had 6 BH contractions in an hour. Called my ob and got sent to L&D for monitoring.

Having "rolling contractions", they were about ten minutes apart and completely painless. They took a urine test - normal, had a midwife do a pelvic exam - cervix is closed but thin, they did some other test...an FFA? To determine if I'd go into labor within a few weeks - negative.

Got an IV and 1 Liter of fluids. During this time, contractions were 3 minutes apart and still having "rolling contractions". Small contractions very close together and 1 big one, absolutely painless.

Got checked again and no cervical changes. So they discharged me. I was told to continue monitoring and return if worsening or painful. Advised to rest and carry on...

33 weeks is to early for LO to come! I sure hope she stays in for a few more weeks!