I'm Super Proud of Myself! 😁

Shay • 24 ♡ Wife ♡ Momma Bear x3 & expecting #4 June 2020
I was TTC at my heaviest weighing in at 278lbs. I'm honestly ashamed to even admit that. I truly did "let myself go". From October-ish until now, I've lost a total of 48lbs which puts me at weighing 230.4lbs as of today. You may not see that as much, but to me, it makes me so proud! I went from having super irregular cycles (one time it lasted for 90+ days) to having relatively normal 28-33 day cycles. I went from being on my period for 9+ days to being on my period from 5-7 days. I went from not being able to get pregnant, to conceiving naturally even though it ended in MC. To me, those 48lbs gone, gave me a new life and new hopes that I didn't have before. 
So, here's to losing more, reaching my goals, and conceiving our Rainbow Baby soon. 🌈💙💖