Glows jealous users

So im not sure if im the only one, even if month after month it doesnt happen for me i still like to upvote and comment to the women who get their BFP 🌈👶🏽💗 i know how much i long to be a mum ao when you read someones post of their tests asking if you "see the line" etc i always be nice and kind......
However ....
I actually hate the jealous bitches who rain all over everyone elses happiness just cause it didnt happen for them that time! Telling women dont get ur hopes up that test didnt work for them 😳 so the hell what that women isnt you! Shldnt we all just be happy for each other at the end of the day we all want the same thing, yeah its sad to see someone else have what your longing for but their is no need to be so rude to others 😪😪
Baby dust to all 💗🌈👶🏽❤️⭐️😘😀🥂🌈💗😍💚😘😀