1cm dilated, barely effaced?

I had my 38 weeks appointment today (I'm 38.3), I've been 1cm dilated for 3 weeks now, and my doctor said I am barely effaced. However, she said his head is very very low. 
Yes, yes I know that everyone's experience is very different but does this mean I'm probably going to go past my due date? (7/8) I'm anxious because the doctor won't even consider induction until I have passed the 41 week mark 😩 I just know that he's going to be a huge baby if I'm pregnant that long, and that scares me.
Again, I know there isn't an answer to my question, but I just want to know that there were at least a few moms out there like me that had a baby sitting low, but were barely effaced and came earlier than expected (grasping at straws here I know!)  
I'm a FTM so I'm just trying to figure out what I might be able to expect! Thanks everyone 😚