things I noticed that led me to my BFP

7 DPO- watery CM, very tired, heart burn one drop of pink blood when I wiped 
8-9 DPO - sticky CM, tired, emotional, heart burn, mild cramping, irritable 
10 DPO- took a CBD it came up "not pregnant", (at that point I knew something was up) weird mucusy ball when I wiped, heart burn, tired, a bit of nausea 
11 DPO- super moody, white chunky CM, 
12 DPO- now this is where I KNEW something was up I had swollen areolas, I feel full in my uterus, frequent need to pee, heart burn still so I took a cvs brand pregnancy test but didn't have the heart to see a negative and I threw it in the trash but I felt like I shouldn't of done that so I went to the store to buy some FRER
13 DPO- midnight-today- tested with 2 FRER and got a faint but still pink positive that you could clearly see
Baby dust to you all and thank you for hearing my endless posts about ttc post depo