am I crazy?

This is in NO WAY bashing anyone!!!
I'm 25, live on my own, make more then 35k a year and am 7 weeks pregnant with the father not in the picture at this moment. I'm scared shitless right now! Can I afford a baby? I live in Atlanta GA and pay 1000+ in just bills for my apartment. Doesn't include car note and other things. How am I going to afford daycare?
Then I see people who are younger then me, and they are doing it! Granted I don't know their situation, but someway somehow they are doing it!
Am I crazy to think I can't do it on my own? That I can't afford daycare? That it would be better to just move back home and live with my parents?! Like my thoughts are going crazy with how am I suppose to take care of me and another person?!