Cheating is cheating


For me cheating is talking to random girls/ Texting random girls...flirting...hiding your phone.. Letting yourself getting touch by another girl.. Kissed and THE DEED.

There is no excuse for cheating this is for both men and women. I don't like the famous excuse "I did it because you don't give me attention" "You're the one that made me cheat" "I was drunk." Please if you feel like this just breakup. If you're not happy any longer with your partner instead of looking for excuses look for solutions.

When you find out when someone is cheating just break up. The respect is gone. The love is gone. The relationship will never be the same.

Ok say you forgive them. You will always have in mind that he cheated, you will constantly wonder if they are doing it again, when you guys fight you most definitely will bring it up. You might end up giving him/her a little of their own medicine(respect gone).

All this I bring it up because I was cheated so I know the patters. And I ended my 6yr relationship the first time he cheated because I didn't see the point being with a cheater. And let me tell you it was the best decision. Why? Because I'm with the most wonderful man. I love him so much. We are TTC.

They have a choice to f@$* up or not.