Toddler Tantrums

    My son will be 2 in August and his tantrums are pretty crazy, they started when he turned a year old. He screams, yells, cries, kicks and throws himself all over the place all during one tantrum (It usually starts when he doesn't get his way 🙃) Some people tell me to hold him to calm him down, that doesn't work cause he just tries to get me to put him down. The doctor said to just let him cry it out in his crib but I feel bad when I just see him helplessly screaming and crying. I try talking to him so we can compromise.. for example "When you stop crying then I'll give you your toy. I'm not giving you anything when you're acting like that." He just screams louder 😐 It's the worst when we're out in public and he has these tantrums because I'm 18 but I look 12 so people give me that look like "This is why babies shouldn't have babies" it's pretty annoying and it has me question my parenting any advice on how to handle these tantrums ? Terrible Twos is close by and I just don't want them to get any worse 😭