anxious week ahead!

So my LMP dates me at 6w 6d. I've had constant abdominal pain since before i knew I was pregnant. Went to GP who wasn't overly concerned as I wasn't in agony when he pressed me and I wasn't bleeding. Today I started bleeding brown blood- probably more than spotting but lighter than a period. Had a scan, shows a pregnancy sack but no yolk sack and 6mm. Ultrasound lady says either my periods were irregular and I'm actually only 5 weeks (I think it's actually 5 weeks since conception but she said my USS shows what they would expect to see in someone 5w since LMP)- they seemed more optimistic than me but now I have to wait another week to go check development- obvs if no change it's not viable, I'm really not buying into the idea that my periods have been that irregular that I'm at where I should be. Anyone had a similar experience?