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Kara • I'm Kara. I have 2 beautiful kids. My son is 19 and my daughter.is 15 soon to be 16. I tons of fur babies.
Hi everyone. I'm Kara and I'm 36. I've been with my fiance for almost 4 years. We've had our share of ups and downs but we manage to work through them. I have 2 kids. My oldest is 19 and my youngest is 15. Shortly after having my daughter I had a tubal binding done with the hulka clips. Which I didn't know about until about 8 years after my surgery. I had talked with my Dr. Briefly about the surgery and we were both under the impression that I had had the tubes cut and burned. My Dr. Pulled my file and discovered quite the surprise and told me that I should think of a back up birth control. I decided against it. So now I'm scheduled to see another ob/gyn on Friday to see the condition of my fallopian tubes and all that. Idk if anyone else has ever been through this process or ever had a "surprise" like this? What does all of this mean? What is the process of checking the tubes? Also, can anyone explain the lingo to me? Thank you.