Ex Boyfriend on my Social Media

So I dated this guy in high school let's call him Tyler. Tyler and I dated for 4 years. He was my first everything and I thought that he was the love of my life (obviously I was young) Tyler hurt me. He was a compulsive liar and cheated on me once but I forgave him. We had a lot of history but eventually it got to the point where I realized I no longer loved him and was too hurt by all the drama he caused in my life. We still live in the same town too. Fast forward 5 years. I am married (not to tyler) my husband is amazing. We have almost been married a year. We are trying for our first baby too ( send baby dust my way) anyways I am no longer in contact with Tyler but we follow eachother on Instagram ( he never posts but I always do) and we are friends on Snapchat ( he also never posts and I always do) our relationship ended messy and never got complete closure but I can see that he looks at every post that I post on Snapchat. I purposely get happy over the fact that he can see how well I'm doing and how happy I am ( is that petty?) The fact that I still care what he thinks is a little concerning to me. I feel like I need to just block him and move on. Technically I am moved on but why can't I seem to block him for good? Anyone have advice?