Please comment

I've been with my boyfriend for 2.5 years. He has been my best friend forever. I love him to death but there are times where it is so hard to love him. He doesn't like to text all the time and says he doesn't know any guy that wants to text his girlfriend all day. But I love talking to him all day... like idk if thats normal or not and makes me feel like he and I have different feelings for each other. And when he talked about us getting engaged within 2 years i was the one freaking out a little bit. He's not one to talk about the future much so i got nervous. Is all of this normal in a relationship? He's my first serious boyfriend and I dont want to screw it up. Anytime I see him or even think of him I get so happy and just smile so big. Is this a good relationship? Besides the couple of things that I'm iffy about?