7.5 month sleep regression??? or after shots??

Is there one? My 7.5 month old has suddenly gone from waking once a night to  waking multiple times AND fighting all her naps (I mean literally screaming kicking punching grabbing clawing). She always fought naps but never this bad and never used to wake up so much at night. I feel like I have a newborn again, waking every two hours. This all started after she got her shots.(she got her six month ones late because we couldn't make the appointment.)
When does this end. It's killing me. I honestly don't know how much longer I can keep dealing with this. I am running on absolutely no sleep. I've tried Tylenol before bed assuming it was teething related, it helps a little, but I don't want to keep giving her Tylenol... I just don't know what else to do I'm desperate for some peace. Please help!!!