need advice with clomid please.

I had a laparoscopy the 1st of June nothing was found and no reason why I wasn't falling pregnant after a year and a half, they also took some bloods for hormones, had about 4 tests in all, found out the my progesterone level at cycle day 21 when you should ovulate is in it minus, when they class anything 30+ as normal and ovulate, I don't ovulate and never have since we've been trying.
I am so heart broken knowing I'll never be able to conceive naturally and have to have a drug to force me to ovulate, it's not how I planned it and wanted it, I wanted to wake up one day have sickness think I'm late on my period, take a test and it come back positive!.
We have an appointment the 30th August with the fertility doctors and i know we are going to be offered clomid, how successful is it? Has anyone caught quick on it? We want this so bad it's breaking our hearts 😭😩