Am I flogging a dead horse here

Hi ladies 
So I met a guy in Dec of last year. He was kind, considerate and a real gentleman. After choosing the wrong type of men all my life, who lived with their mother and had nothing but a pile of debt which ended up me financially supporting them etc...I finally met a guy who had his shit together , owned his own property just like me and had a great job, like me. So we had an amazing two months together, he initiated all the dates etc. We waited a month before sex and it was great, except he has an erection problem. Which was not an issue for me AT ALL. Anyway to cut a long story short, this one day, we had lunch and then made love. He actually stayed hard and came quite quickly. I remember thinking at the time 'this guy is falling' as he was lying on me holding my face whilst looking in my eyes. He left after making arrangements to see me the next day. That was the last time I saw him. Literally first time in my life I was ghosted. 
So I messaged him yesterday, as I've never really got him out of my system. I said that it would be great to meet for a coffe if he's free. He messaged right back saying it was nice to hear from me that he's busy this week, but could free up some time next week. So I said just let me know when works for you next week. He said he would do. ....My question is, is he being polite with no intention on meeting me and am I wasting my time here. Your thoughts are gratefully received. X