Figuring out when you ovulate

So first time posting and slightly nervous about it, but I've been reading the message boards constantly and everyone seems really nice and super supportive!

I have a question! My husband and I are going to start ttc soon, so I wanted to try the opks to start understanding my body and when it ovulates. Could it be that I ovulate late? I have 3 apps on my phone and all say I should be ovulating about this time, but the opk that I am using, which is clear blue, shows no LH surge. According to glow I should be at my peak tomorrow, but on my other two apps my peak was suppose to be yesterday. Or is it possible that I just didn't ovulate this month?

I think I'm going to try the clear blue advance and see if that is any different. Or do you ladies have a preference for the opks that you think is better?

Thank you guys!