Scratching Balls = Disrespectful?! 🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


My bf and I just got home from a vacation, visiting and staying with his family.  During the whole vacation, he never stuck his hands down his pants to scratch his balls. As soon as we got home/walked in the door, he took his pants off and started scratching his balls. I told him, "Oh, you can control yourself and not do that!" I've told him many times, I find that disrespectful towards me. He said I should be happy he does that, that it means he's comfortable enough around me to do it! No! Yuck! I know when your at home, you should be able to do whatever you want, but this bothers me. Am I wrong? What is your opinion?! 

UPDATE! ++++++++

After discussing it with him, he explained that he does it unconsciously. So now, if I see him doing it, I'll say PLEASE!, and he'll turn away from me so I don't see. 😍