I don't know what I should do 😕

So I need a little help here please, the father of my kids and I have been off and on for 10 years and it has had good times but really really bad times ... so we have a 3 year old daughter who he doesn't really know anything about because when she was 6 months old he left us and I had to live with my mother so he was in and out of her life for 2 1/2 years and he would come when he wanted to.. well we had a one night stand and I am now pregnant with a boy and I am due in aug.❤️ but when I found out he sit there and say it's not his and I am a hoe so for 7 month we were not together so one day he come to my house and ask me to give our family a try and that things would be different .... well they are not different .! He is mean to me and when I am in pain or sick he just leaves and won't come back for hours ... he tells me to stfu and I tell him that I don't want to be with him and he bags me to not leave him that he will change and he hasn't !! I don't know what I should do because he keeps saying he is going to change and the same thing happens again !!!! I don't have friends to talk about this with so I need your guys help
Please !! What should I do !?