My Tiny King

2 weeks ago I gave birth to my son knowing I wouldn't get much time with him. He had a condition called megacystis making him not compatible with life. Because of a blockage in his urinary tract his urine couldn't escape causing his bladder to fill and rupture leaving his toxic urine trapped in his abdomen. His lungs couldn't develop in the toxic fluid. He had slowly stolen all of the amniotic fluid around him because he had no way to filter it back out causing his abdomen to be so large that I couldn't deliver him vaginally. My due date was September 10th but my body put me into labor on June 10th. I had a c section to deliver on June 11th. After being born, the doctor drained 11 pounds of fluid from him leaving me with a 2 pound 6 ounce baby that they would not perform life saving efforts on. I wasn't expecting more than 2 minutes of life but he defied the odds and stayed with us for 2 hours. It took me 24 more hours of holding my 1st baby close to me before I let the funeral home pick him up. I've never been in love until I met him and I've never been heartbroken until his heart stopped beating and mine did not. His name is Rex Michael and he is my king.