Starting First Round of Femara/Letrozole Today!!!

Callie • 👶🎀 8.18.18. 👶🎀 3.16.20.

Hi! I'm Callie, a 25 y/o with PCOS, and my hubby (24 y/o) and I have been TTC baby #1 with zero luck for about 10 months now. After examining my cycle charts and ordering additional testing, my OBGYN has concluded I'm not ovulating on my own, and has thus agreed to prescribe Letrozole before our 1 year TTC "anniversary". (I'm also on Metformin ER and baby aspirin). After a 75 day cycle, a couple days ago, my Provera-induced period finally arrived and I'm feeling really excited and hopeful about starting my first round of Letrozole today (2.5 mg, CD 3-7).

Has anyone else been on Letrozole/Femara? Did it work for you? If so, which round did you get your BFP, and on what dosage, and what were your CD 21 progesterone levels? Did you experience any side effects? Any advice, experiences, and tips welcome!

Also, if you're also beginning a round of Letrozole/Femara around the same time as me, I'd love to be cycle buddies! Thanks in advance! Good luck and baby dust all around!