Input on HCG levels?

I had an ectopic last November, so my doctor is monitoring me VERY closely. I went in for an ultrasound yesterday, which resulted in a prognosis of it is too early to see anything (couldn't find anything in uterus), or it is another ectopic. I also had my blood taken (at exactly 5 weeks). My doctor and the nurse told me over the phone today that while my levels were 31 on the 22nd, and 75 on the 24th (an appropriate rise they said), that they expected to see my levels in the 900's on Wednesday, the 28th. Does this even make sense? My level on Wednesday was 534. They said my levels aren't doubling. Yet, counting from Saturday, they should be a minimum of 150 on Monday and 300 on Wednesday. So, how is 534 low? Am I doing the math wrong? The doctor and nurse said my levels are doubling less than 60% every two days, yet the hcg calculator I used said they are doubling every 1.4 days or by 166.8% every two days. SO confused. I go in for another ultrasound tomorrow, so I plan to ask about this but wanted other input in the meantime in case I am doing something wrong. Am I missing something?