help help I'm scared

I've been on the same birth control (sprintec) for about three years. For the past 4 or 5 months I've been spotting about  at the earliest 10 days before my period. It's usually like discharge that has pink with red specks and gooey but I always seem to get my period. This month it's scaring me. I had sex two and three days ago for the first time in about 2 months since we're long distance. We used a condom and I take my pill pretty regularly. Maybe a few hours late sometimes. I started having the same spotting as the past few months (pink/brown and red specks) but today it's like a brownish yellowish discharge a little. Could this be that I'm pregnant or a sign of my period coming/ from not having sex in a while? I am supposed to get my period in 7 days help!!