need advice please 🙂

so I been talking to this guy friend of mine for a while now. We kinda had a thing back in HS but it faded once he got back with his ex. After HS graduation , we met again at this party and we started talking once again. We've hooked up only once and the rest of the times we only make out. I like this guy a lot , he would invited me to the movies and to eat ,he invites me to hang with his friends / coworkers, he even invited me to spend the night at a condo his family had rented out for the weekend. I've met his entire family and he has met most of mine. After the weekend at the condo , he stopped messaging and replying to my texts. I was left confused because we had been doing so good I thought things were finally gonna flourish into something more that just friends. Sadly today I received a msg from his ex asking me if him and I had something going on , she said that they were in the process of getting back together but she wanted to the know the truth because she would ask him about me and he would just say we were just friends nothing more. I told her the truth about us, I told her he was correct in the way we were never got to being bf and gf but were weren't simply just friends and explained everything that happened between him and I. 
I honestly don't know what to do, I really liked him a lot , after receiving the message from his ex , it hurt,  it hurt me to know that he can simply brush me off like that like nothing ever happened between us. I miss him a lot , its hard not to think of him since we would msg and talk every day 24/7. He was my best guy friend someone I would rely on for anything it sucks that things may never be the same anymore.Â