Are we wrong?

Our roommate brought some females he knew from Facebook never met her. He told her she could stay for 8 months he asked but I said I wouldn't feel comfortable but he still moved her in. She thought we were going to let her stay 8 months free. All she did was lay on our couches and left everything dirty laying around. Dishes, clothes & food wrappers. She left on her own around March but left her stuff in the closet that's in the living room. We talked about it and decided to throw her shit out. None of us heard from her since March no visits, no text & no calls. So we got tired of her stinky clothes and her stuff taking up the closet so we three it in the trash. She just came tonight asking for her stuff. I told her we threw it out. She said omg are you serious why would y'all do that? I told her we haven't even seen you or heard from you what were we supposed to do be a storage room? Are we wrong or is she wrong for leaving and never contacting us? We thought she went back to her county. She literally called in march but only to say to our roommate what was the girls name he was fucking with. Supposably her mom wanted to know what company we had over.