How early did you feel movement?

We're having twins and I'm only 9w5d and have been feeling little fluttering sensations in my lower abdomen. My mother in law says it's the babies and that I feel it more because there's two. So how early did everyone feel movement? Is it even possible that that's what I'm feeling?
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Im almost 16 weeks pregnant and nothing still.My doc told me I should expect to feel them in the coming 2 to 3 weeks. ❤️


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I felt my twins at 11 weeks ❤️


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I got my first flutters at about 17 weeks and then real movement at about 23


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12 weeks but it was also my 4th pregnancy


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I'm 10 weeks with twins and I swear I felt those flutters today. This isn't my first pregnancy so I feel like I have a good idea of what's gas and what's not...and this did NOT feel like gas. I didn't feel my son move until I was about 16 weeks, and they say you feel it way earlier in subsequent pregnancies, especially if it's multiples.Who knows! I'm going to enjoy it for now :)


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I'm also pregnant with B/G twins and I didn't feel anything until week 17 and just little things here and there. I'm currently 18+3 and I'm feeling more frequent nudges. Everyone is different tho, I'm not a skinny woman either so... congrats with twins btw. 


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I felt light flutters around 14-16 weeks, but no real movements until 19 weeks.