Tubal ligation, Do you regret it?? Does it make you depressed?

L. • Mother of 7, That includes 1 In Heaven
Well I'm 31 with six children, my last pregnancy was twin boys who are now 5. I was in the middle of ending a relationship with my HUSBAND who cheated on me and even had domestic disputes. So I moved away and two weeks after delivery of my twins I came across an old friend from 3rd grade. He became so involved with all my children. The twins have no idea that he's not their real father. You would never even guess he wasn't. Well he has no children and we have been together 5 years. Known each other 20+ I wish I could have had him in my life much sooner. It really gets me down that maybe one day he may want a child with his blood and last name and I can't do that well at least without paying a high price.