I Love My Fiancé But...

I love my fiancé. I love that he is happy we are having a baby together. I love that he is trying to be helpful. However! I can't stop throwing up and him telling me I need to eat and drink water is driving me crazy. Asking me every ten seconds what's wrong is driving me crazy. If I could eat and drink water I would!! You think I want to be throwing everything up!? And stop asking me what's wrong. You know what's wrong. I love that he cares but all this puking is making me angry and bitter. He also told me the other day I just need to breathe through it and hold it down. Not going to work when everything absolutely has to come up and forces its way out. He said he's stressed out because he thinks I don't take well enough care of myself so he doesn't trust me to take care of the baby growing inside me. He's mad at me because I'm different since I told him. No im different since I started puking my guts up. I just want to constantly cry right now. 😭