What do you think?

I have 1 mc when I was young about the age of 14. I had my son almost 5 months ago on Feb 7. A few months later I found out I was pregnant again and was very surprised but excited for our new baby. On May 21 I had another mc and the bleeding didn't stop until May 27. About 2 weeks later I took a pregnancy test and it came back completely negative with no faint line so all the hormones from the miscarriage were out of my body. 3 days ago I took a pregnancy test and it came back with two very bright lines saying I'm pregnant. I took another test the next morning but my husband and I have been having issues. He just left and moved 300 miles away yesturday, we will try to work things out but for now he wanted some space. I'm just so scared I could have another mc since my last mc was right just a little over a month ago and I've been pretty stressed. Any advice or anyone know how likely it is to miscarriage again after a recent one?