
Hello.. my husband and I found out we were pregnant with our first baby on May 2nd! We were very excited and shocked it happened so soon! We have been married since Oct 2016 and I am 29 and he is 37. We went in for our first ultrasound at what should have been my 10 week appointment on June 8th and the doctor said I had miscarried... the baby had stopped growing at 6 weeks she suspected and had no heart beat now... she explained that I would be given the option of taken misoprostol or doing a D&C. My husband and I were in shock and could not make any decisions then and there and decided to go home.. for a few days I honestly think I was in denial about it because I didn't cry as much as I thought (other than the day we found out) and my husband said I was being incredible strong... he is unbelievably supportive of me and has been so amazing. They could not get me in for a d&c until a week later, because of the doctors schedule as well as my work schedule... so I opted to do the misoprostol at home with my husband that Saturday (two days following the news we had lost the baby). Saturday went well.. I had cramping and light bleeding treated with Advil and a heating pad. Until 10 hours later I had more severe (not too bad though) cramping and passed some clots. All within an hour and then I started to feel okay again and the bleeding let up to be a bit lighter and not passing clots... the following week I had light bleeding and some discomfort. Then the following Saturday I began hemorrhaging(sp?) and my husband took me to the ER. I ended up getting two IVs, lots of pain meds and an exam with suction... and ultimately a d&c in ER that night...
This has been the worst experience my husband and I have ever been through and i know I just want to move on and try again... I know my baby is in heaven and there's a reason why it didn't last.. and I've accepted it.. I obviously still have bad days and know that is normal. Now my husband is sick and I know it's taken a tole on him because he NEVER gets sick. Poor thing I'm so worried about him and I just want to cure his sadness by giving him a baby. :( I haven't seen the doctor yet since my d&c and it has been 13 days since. My husband and I have not been intimate until last night when he initiated it and it just felt so night to have that intimacy with him after such a horrible thing happened to us... now though I can't help but worry if we should have waited as I have not had my first period since yet... is it possible to get pregnant again that fast? And if so would implantation be possible that soon after d&c? I'm so sorry for the long post I just have so many thoughts going through my head... it helps to get it all out on here...