PLEASE HELP, 2 young 2 be pregnant

Hi! Alright so I'm 17 years old and plan on attending college and everything, I already graduated. I had sex for the first time June 3rd with a condom I also did again multiple times afterwards, I was supposed to get my period June 19 and I'm 13 days late. I was bleeding straight after we had sex the second time and I believe tht he popped my cherry! I was bleeding for 3 days and I had back cramps. I also usually bleed 3 days when i get my period, could that have might of been it? Also I took 2 pregnancy test and they both came out negative but I still haven't gotten my period and I just had sex again and I'm spotting. I never had S.H.A.R.E. Please help me and tell me if you think I'm pregnant. 
- Additional info: My parents would probably kill me if they found out I had sex, I don't know if I can visit a doctor without my parents or even when! Once again I used a condom everytime but that is all we used, no lube or whatever is normal.