Am I the b*t*h or is she just fake?

So i apologize in advance for the long post. I could really use some unbiased advice in this circumstance. Here's the situation.
My husband and i are friends with another couple who last year were our best man and a bridesmaid in our wedding. Since our wedding: my husband lost his job, we had a miscarriage, his nana (very close to) died, and he lost another job. I've developed depression from the miscarriage and did not get much work wither this year. It's not been easy and we understand we weren't great friends through all that. 
They: had a miscarriage two days after ours, started new jobs, bought a house and are now having a healthy pregnancy. 
They have not been great friends back. But as a friend, you can normally get through all that shit and  realize that your friends go through stuff differently. 
So anyways the friendship has been slipping since i'd say the miscarriage time? No texts, emails, calls between is for a while. And if i did reach out they weren't responded to.  I finally had enough after not getting a response again. Here's what i sent to her and her reply (note my husband sent a message to him, but didn't really want to resume the friendship so it was very different). 
I was angry at first, then sad, then understanding, then back to anger. Which i feel is the right emotion. 
My biggest reason to be angry is that if ahe felt the friendship was starting to slip before our wedding why didn't she say anything then/still be in it? 
And if they still claim that they are friends with us why have they kept themselves so distant? 
Please note: them being pregnant had nothing to do with me writing this to them. I've been thinking about it a lot but wanted to wait until some business was done with a mutal friend first (as we couldn't loose the job for ANY reason and needed the money, not the best reason obviously but a necessary one unfortunately).